Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dunedin and The Moeraki boulders

The following pictures are of our time spent in the city of Dunedin and our trip to the Moeraki boulders. We really enjoyed Dunedin. The whole city is based on architectural designs from the Scottish city of Edinburgh. Dunedin is often mistaken as a Scottish city for this reason. Downtown Dunedin is full of culture and history, and a day spent walking around the downtown district will bring you face to face with Cathedrals, a University, a Chocolate factory, countless breweries and pubs, museums and countless historical monuments and botanical gardens. By far one of our favorite cities that we have visited thus far in NZ.

The Cadbury Chocolate factory in Dunedin

The Chocolate process

Raw Cocoa beans, not quite as sweet as the final product

Endless selection, what more could a chocolate lover want

Mountain of Crunchie bars

Sir Edmund Hillary's gloves used in the ascent of Mt Everest

Dunedin Museum

Emily at the ripe old age of 90. Using the museums facial recognition system, we were able to age ourselves.

Grandpa John at 90 years old

Emily's face as a painted portrait

We were able to upload our faces, which in turn were projected on the museum wall as part of a art show.
Emily's giant face

 The late Sir Edmund Hillary's passport

Standing on the steps of the Central Otago University

View of the clock tower on the university

The university is situated downtown Dunedin, and is beautiful.

Speights brewery. Speights is similar to Alexander kieth's on the east coast and or Kokanee on the West coast of Canada. Speights is the beer of choice for Southern New Zealander's.

Emily and Ian showing off their Speights gear. Speights is traditionally drank using your left hand, not really sure why.

This water tap is located outside the Speights brewery and supplies locals and tourist with fresh drinking water all year round. Last April fools, the brewery put up a sign that the water would be replaced with free beer for the day and a massive line formed within min of the sign going up. After an hour or so the staff came outside and screamed April fools, much to the dismay of the hopeful beer drinkers.

John sampling the best that speights has to offer.

Dunedin aquarium. John in the Jaws of a great white shark.

Dolphins made up of 100% plastic taken from the sea.

Sea horse

Emily and Jacklyn crabbing around

Sea lion next to the albatross colony 

Entrance to Chinese garden, downtown Dunedin. Unfortunately it was closed when we visited

Baldwin street. Famous for being the steepest residential street in the world. Well documented by the Guinness book of world records.

Emily at the top of Baldwin st. Was not an easy walk up.

This picture gives you an idea of how steep the street really is.

Highland cow

Emily with the Pacific in the background

Our traveling posse. Enjoying a bon fire by the ocean.

On our way to see the Moeraki boulders.

Emily with one of the many boulders that are present on the beach.

These spherical rocks are said to have fallen unto the beach following years of erosion. No one knows why they are located here and why the rocks are shaped the way they are.

John with some spherical boulders

Ian the murman

Emily and I at Moeraki beach

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